
elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries

The following Georgia Medicaid cases were litigated outside the context of an administrative hearing, or were appealed beyond that point. Of course, we are not representing there are no other published decisions on point. United Cerebral Palsy of Georgia v. Ga. Dep’t of Behavioral Health and Dev. Disabilities, 331 Ga. App. 616 (2015). A provider […]


The form below was developed by the Georgia Department of Community Health and is based on Section 2342-11 of the Georgia ABD Medicaid Manual:

estate planning

Transfer Penalty Reversed Where Care Services Were Provided Under Agreement. Petitioner was discharged from a nursing home to home in 2004, where she remained until she returned in 2008. At the time of discharge she agreed to transfer her property valued at $262,970 on the 2006 assessment (when the transfer occurred) if her son provided […]

estate planning

Penalty Reversed Where Home was Given to Caregiver Child. In 2002, Petitioner’s daughter moved into Petitioner’s home to provide care. In 2003, Petitioner was bedridden after back surgery; the daughter continued providing care on a full-time basis and also paid some of Petitioner’s expenses. On December 25, 2004, Petitioner gave her home to her daughter, […]

estate planning

No Penalty Where Transfer Reimbursed Third Party for Paying Applicant’s Expenses. Petitioner was admitted to a nursing home on May 7, 2008 and remained there until her death on July 24, 2008. Petitioner filed an application for Medicaid on July 3, 2008, seeking retroactive coverage. The application was denied after DFCS discovered a $22,668.56 transfer […]

estate planning

Georgia’s Medicaid Manual cannot be enforced when it conflicts with federal law. Applicant resided in an assisted living facility until she went to a nursing home in 2008 and applied for Medicaid. Prior to that time, her vacant home was placed on the market and sold. To accomplish the sale, Petitioner conveyed her life estate […]

estate planning

Transfer of resources penalty affirmed. Nursing home resident applied for Medicaid in January 2008. During review, caseworkers discovered a home assessed at $90,351, was transferred to a close friend for $40,000 within the lookback period. Additionally, $10,000 was withdrawn from the resident’s account and several small checks and a vehicle were issued to the friend. […]

estate planning

Guardians of two nursing home residents brought suit contending that the State erred by beginning a transfer penalty on the first day of the month after a transfer, rather than on the month of the transfer. The Court found the claims barred by the Eleventh Amendment. It dismissed the remainder of the Complaint for failure […]

estate planning

Hazel Wilson and her husband executed and funded a revocable living trust in 1991. The trust became irrevocable at her husband’s death in 1998, forming an A/B trust. Hazel had access to the principal and income from trust A, but only the income from trust B. In 1999, Hazel transferred $636,638 in property to her […]

Answering the question, “what is fair market value,” depends on the circumstances. For most purposes, the fair market value of the property is the price at which such property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell, and both having reasonable knowledge […]

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