Our Goal at EZ Elder Law

To be completely honest, very little about Elder Law is easy. It wouldn’t take long reading the pages on this website to figure that out. But most people don’t know they need Elder Law and don’t know what questions to ask when a crisis strikes. That’s because you don’t know what you don’t know. One of our goals at EZ Elder Law is to give you enough information to ask the right questions when you need help.

We’re not going to try to scare you. We are not like Chicken Little, telling you the sky is falling. What we are doing is giving you information. That information will not turn you or anyone else into a lawyer. This website is not a substitute for hiring a qualified Elder Law Attorney. Still, we hope it will point you in the right direction. We are building a one-stop shop that answers questions about elder law, elder care, and special needs law. Note: special needs law is considered part of Elder Law.

Why do you need answers? Because uncertainty is scary and getting old (or having an aged loved one) creates uncertainty. Healthcare websites tell us that fear of the unknown exacerbates many anxieties, fears and phobias (it’s called Intolerance of Uncertainty). A major goal is shrinking  your uncertainty by providing information or pointing you toward legal and non-legal resources to help you solve the problems you’re facing. After all, a good lawyer doesn’t create problems; he or she solves them.  

Who is this website designed to help? First, we have many pages for the general public. We want you (meaning everyone) to understand enough to think about your present and future needs. However, we also have many pages designed to educate attorneys and other professionals who are new to Elder Law and want to learn more. With that in mind, many pages have links to cases, statutes and regulations so attorneys seeking information about Elder Law can build their knowledge base.

If you are an attorney, accountant, financial advisor, health care professional and you have information that would be helpful for our readers, contact us at websupport@ezelderlaw.com to discuss the possibility of writing a guest article. (As part of our terms and conditions, EZ Elder Law always reserves the right to edit, reject or remove any article, post, link or other content deemed unhelpful for our readers).

This site was launched in March 2021, so bear with us as we add content. It began as a ten year project and, as of August, 2024, there are over 1,300 page and blog posts, many of which are updated regularly. That might sound like a lot, but we’re still weaving information together and we have a long way to go before we have this subject covered. We do have a table of contents, but keep in mind, it’s presently a “work in progress.” In the meantime, use the search tool or the sitemap if you don’t see what you need. We add new content almost every day.

As always, keep in mind that a general website can never take the place of personalized legal advice. Our goal is to provide education so you have peace of mind and know which questions to ask. If you want answers to your specific issues, or if you need an advocate, then you’ll need to speak with a lawyer.  If you don’t know a lawyer, you can send us your question using our “Do I have a case” form and we’ll try to connect you with a lawyer who can help. Finally, if you find this website helpful, refer your friends here. Oh, … and if you have questions we haven’t answered yet, please send them to us at websupport@ezelderlaw.com.

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