
elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries

There are many types of “Plaintiff’s cases.” This article focuses on injury cases. Injury cases can be as simple as a car wreck or as complex as a medical malpractice case. Regardless, they generally require four essential elements: duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages. See Calhoun First Nat’l Bank v. Dickens, 264 Ga. 285 […]

November 14 through November 20, 2021, is International Fraud Awareness Week. Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr says: Scammers are constantly adapting their fraudulent schemes to new technologies, seasonal happenings, the latest trends and current events,” said Carr. “To stay ahead of these deceptive tactics, we urge all Georgians to familiarize themselves with the common signs of a scam and to take precautions to […]

The government prosecuted a case under 18 U.S.C. § 1347, alleging violations of 42 C.F.R. § 483.15 and 42 C.F.R. § 483.25. Defendants Marth Bell and Atrium I Nursing and Rehabilitation Center were found guilty. In a post-trial motion, Defendants argued that the standards of care in 483.15 and 483.25 are vague and ambiguous. The […]

A physician brought a qui tam action against two other physicians and several health care providers after a nurse showed him a progress note in a nursing home chart allegedly documenting a physician’s (Lachman’s) review of the chart. The problem was that the resident had died several weeks earlier. After seeing that record, the relator […]

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