Georgia Adult Protective Services Authority for Adult Protective Services is found at O.C.G.A. § 30-5-1 et seq. The stated purpose of the Act ” is to provide protective services for abused, neglected, or exploited disabled adults and elder persons. It is not the purpose of this chapter to place restrictions upon the personal liberty of […]

On February 11, 2022, the Georgia Court of Appeals affirmed Julia Bell’s conviction for elder exploitation. She was originally indicted 7 counts of elder exploitation; a jury found her guilty of four counts and not guilty of three counts. She appealed her conviction on the remaining accounts alleging, among other claims, that insufficient evidence supported […]
A nursing home resident’s room is considered the resident’s home. That’s why people in nursing home are called “residents” instead of patients. In a nursing home, the resident controls, among other things, when visitors can come and who can visit. Generally, it’s legal to film or record in your own home without the consent of […]
At one time or another, many seniors consider adding a child as a co-signer on his or her bank account. Whether that is wise depends on a common understanding of why the senior is adding the child, and the child’s integrity. For example, most bank accounts are owned as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. […]
This video originally aired on June 5, 2013. The description states that Elder abuse often goes unnoticed. The most common types of elder abuse include financial and physical abuse, in addition to negligence. Sadly, more often than not, family and friends perpetrate this abuse.
The National Council on Aging published an article titled Get the Facts on Elder Abuse. Using graphics to identify signs and symptoms of different forms of abuse, it describes different forms of abuse and provides resources/links you can use to get help. Of course, the first thing you should always do if you suspect abuse […]