CMS found that Hamburg Healthcare, a nursing home, was not in substantial compliance with the Conditions of Participation in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. After numerous surveys and visits where the nursing home was warned each time that its provider agreement might be terminated absent change, CMS terminated the nursing home’s provider agreement. There was […]
Insurer denied coverage because a claim made against the insured during the coverage period was not reported to the insurer until after the coverage period. The court examined the policy and found that reporting the claim to the insurer during the coverage period was not a condition of coverage. The insurer’s motion for summary judgment […]
After Plaintiff filed suit, Defendant filed a motion to dismiss, compel arbitration and stay discovery. The magistrate entered a report and recommendation that the motion be denied. Before the magistrate the plaintiff raised enough evidence to question the nursing home resident’s capacity to enter into an arbitration agreement. The plaintiff also argued that because a […]
Former employee of a nursing home alleged sexual harassment. Her employment agreement included an arbitration agreement. She moved to compel arbitration and the nursing home opposed, arguing plaintiff failed to meet a condition precedent and because plaintiff waived her right to arbitration when she commenced a civil action instead of initiating arbitration. Plaintiff argued the […]
Plaintiff filed a wrongful death action against nursing home alleging the nursing home and its employees were responsible for her father’s death. Essex Insurance filed a declaratory judgment action seeking a determination of its duties of defense and indemnity. Plaintiff in the underlying action against the nursing home moved to dismiss the claim or, in […]
Plaintiff filed suit alleging that Defendants participated in an unlawful scheme to fraudulently convey Beverly’s assets through a merger transaction to avoid paying civil judgments. Defendants moved to dismiss. The court found that Mississippi’s long arm statute did not reach the Defendants and granted the motion.
Plaintiff brought suit against Nexion Health Management and Nexion Health at Mount Pleasant contending that her mother was placed in a defective Braun wheelchair lift and that she was thrown from the lift. Plaintiff was required to file an expert report within 120 days of filing the suit. She sought additional time “due to Nexion’s […]
Plaintiff filed wrongful death action against a nursing home alleging personal service on February 18, 2005. Default was entered on March 24, 2005. The case was removed to federal court on April 4, 2005. On April 13, 2005, default judgment was entered in State court. Plaintiff then filed a motion for default in federal court, […]
Nursing home appealed after it failed a survey and CMS threatened to terminate its provider agreement. After immediate jeopardy items were corrected, the sanction was downgraded to denial of payment for new admissions and withdrawal of approval for nurse aide training program. The denial of payment resulted in a loss of $43,600. The nursing home […]
Annie Pickens resided at Defendants’ nursing home from October 8, 2002 until April 19, 2003, dying the next day. A wrongful death action was filed in State court on August 30, 2004; defendants removed it to federal court on January 10, 2005. Defendants moved to dismiss and on February 7, 2005, Plaintiffs agreed to dismiss […]