Outline of Georgia Guardianship and Conservatorship Process and Timeline Process Begins When Petition is filed O.C.G.A. § 29-4-10(a). Any interested person, including the proposed ward, may file a petition for the appointment of a guardian. Such petition shall be filed in the court of the county in which: (1) The proposed ward is domiciled; (2) […]
In M.K. v. Division of Medical Assistance, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division (2016), the Division imposed a period of ineligibility for benefits because she transferred ownership of her home to her daughter, J.K., for less than fair-market value within sixty months of entering a nursing home facility (the look-back period). The applicant argued […]
An applicant filed three Medicaid applications from February 7 through November 26, and all of them were denied for failure to submit necessary financial verification. A fair hearing was conducted on November 26, 2018 where the ALJ gave the applicant additional time to supply verification. Once that verification was supplied, on May 14, 2019, the […]
In a Memorandum decision, the Supreme Court of New York, Appellate Division, Fourth Department, held that a nursing home may bring a plenary action in its own right against the agency designated to declare Medicaid eligibility. A transfer of resources penalty of 11.74 months had been imposed and the nursing home sought a declaratory judgment […]
Next week GPB will examine the life of a titan with a two-part American Experience, learn what made Jimmy Carter the man he became and much more. GPB lineup for next week
2022 Special Needs Planning Symposium We don’t always give a shout out for symposiums sponsored by others, but we’ll make an exception here. The 2022 Special Needs Planning Symposium looks like an all-star cast for anyone on the West Coast who works with special needs individuals (especially if you can’t make it to Stetson). Two […]
In Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene v. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 542 F.3d 424 (2008), the State of Maryland petitioned for review of a final decision of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) disapproving an amendment to the Maryland State Medicaid Plan (SMP). Maryland’s SMP would have eliminated deductions […]