Every year the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit rate and Medicaid resource allowances are updated. For 2022, the federal benefit rate increased by 5.9%. There was no change in the SSI benefit rate. The SSI monthly benefit increased to $841. This means the Medicaid income cap increases to $2,523 of gross monthly income. The one-third […]
H.R. 1717, known as the Protecting Married Seniors from Impoverishment Act of 2021, and a companion bill in the Senate (S.1099) would require States to extend Community Spouse Resource and Income allowances to couples needing in-home care. A temporary modification extending these protections was already in place through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. […]
Increase CSRA in Superior Court, followed by Application and Fair Hearing. After admission to a nursing home, but prior to application for Medicaid, the Superior Court in Glascock County issued an order setting aside all of Petitioner’s marital resources for the Community Spouse’s benefit for the purpose of generating sufficient income to reach the MMMNA. […]
Community Spouse Resource Allowance administratively raised. Evidence was stipulated that the combined marital income of the couple did not result in post-eligibility income for the Community Spouse that equaled or exceeded the MMMNA. Therefore, the Community Spouse Monthly Income Allowance (CSMIA), 42 U.S.C. § 1396r-5(d)(1)(B), was inadequate to raise the Community Spouse’s post-eligibility income to the […]