
News Sources: Covid-induced life changes leave millions of Americans worried about money IRS Continues Focus on Cryptoassets Georgia Attorney General Recognizes National Cyber Security Awareness Month Georgia Attorney General Supports Congressional Hearings Addressing Youth Social Media Use Dental coverage for Medicare recipients divides parties Federal auto-IRA program would be a big step forward in expanding […]

estate planning

Divorce is one of the most aggressive Medicaid planning tools. Divorce should not be approached lightly and should not be attempted without an attorney. Most Medicaid plans can be completed without the necessity of divorce. Even when divorce appears to be the answer, a simpler procedure, commonly known as a “Catholic divorce” (e.g., an action […]

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced: Reports shows that words matter. Language can reduce mental health and additional stigman. “In a perspective published in Neuropsychopharmacology, leaders from the National Institutes of Health address how using appropriate language to describe mental illness and addiction can help to reduce stigma and improve how people with these […]

WFSU Public Media reported that Group Homes For Those With Developmental Disabilities Face A Growing Worker Shortage. Developmental disability service providers are the latest to join a list of employers who say they’re facing a worker shortage. Advocates say direct support professionals who left the industry because of health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic aren’t […]

Frontline posted a new podcast regarding a race-related murder in Chicago in 1955. That murder resulted in a bill named for the victim that would wind up in the halls of Congress. It was aimed at bringing justice to unsolved killings from the civil rights era. Around the same time, the Department of Justice and […]

The following resources appeared in a post by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau sent at 04/26/2021 12:00 PM ED. We are re-posting them for your convenience. Misadventures in Money Managament (MiMM): MiMM is a virtual learning experience that fills a critical gap in financial education topics for all servicemembers. The training uses the style of […]

The Veterans Health Administration has posted a video series called Gerofitexercise. This seven episode series features different low-impact exercises designed to keep you healthy and fit. We’ve posted one below so you can check it out.

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